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Getting Started with SQL

SQL (vapor/sql) is a library for building and serializing SQL queries in Swift. It has an extensible, protocol-based design and supports DQL, DML, and DDL.


If you use Fluent, you will usually not need to build SQL queries manually.

Choosing a Driver

Vapor's SQL database packages are built on top of this library.

database repo version dbid notes
PostgreSQL postgresql 1.0.0 psql Recommended. Open source, standards compliant SQL database. Available on most cloud hosting providers.
MySQL mysql 3.0.0 mysql Popular open source SQL database. Available on most cloud hosting providers. This driver also supports MariaDB.
SQLite sqlite 3.0.0 sqlite Open source, embedded SQL database. Its simplistic nature makes it a great candiate for prototyping and testing.

Once you have selected a driver and added it to your Package.swift file, you can continue following this guide.