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Jobs (vapor-community/jobs) is a pure Swift queuing system that allows you to offload task responsibility to a side worker.

Some of the tasks this package works well for:

  • Sending emails outside of the main request thread
  • Performing complex or long-running database operations
  • Ensuring job integrity and resilience
  • Speeding up response time by delaying non-critical processing
  • Scheduling jobs to occur at a specific time

This package is similar to Ruby Sidekiq. It provides the following features:

  • Safe handling of SIGTERM and SIGINT signals sent by hosting providers to indicate a shutdown, restart, or new deploy.
  • Different queue priorities. For example, you can specify a job to be run on the email queue and another job to be run on the data-processing queue.
  • Implements the reliable queue process to help with unexpected failures.
  • Includes a maxRetryCount feature that will repeat the job until it succeeds up until a specified count.
  • Uses NIO to utilize all available cores and EventLoops for jobs.
  • Allows users to schedule repeating tasks

Jobs currently has support for the following drivers which interface with the main protocol:


You should not install this package directly unless you are building a new driver. Install one of the driver packages instead.

Getting Started

Let's take a look at how you can get started using Jobs.


The first step to using Jobs is adding one of the drivers as a dependency to your project in your SPM package manifest file. In this example, we'll use the Redis driver.

// swift-tools-version:5.1
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyApp",
    dependencies: [
        /// Any other dependencies ...
        .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
    targets: [
        .target(name: "App", dependencies: ["JobsRedisDriver", ...]),
        .target(name: "Run", dependencies: ["App"]),
        .testTarget(name: "AppTests", dependencies: ["App"]),

Don't forget to add the module as a dependency in the targets array. Once you have added the dependency, regenerate your Xcode project with the following command:

open Package.swift


vapor xcode


The next step is to configure the Jobs in configure.swift.

import Jobs

/// Register Jobs providers
try services.register(JobsProvider())

You can also specify a custom refreshInterval or persistenceKey key, if you'd like:

import Jobs

/// Register Jobs providers
try services.register(JobsProvider(refreshInterval: .seconds(10), persistenceKey: "custom_key", commandKey: "queues"))

Registering a Job

After modeling a job you must add it to your configuration section like this:

//Register jobs
services.register { container -> JobsConfig in
    var jobsConfig = JobsConfig()
    jobsConfig.add(try EmailJob(emailService: container.make()))
    return jobsConfig

Persistence Layer Config

To register a persistence driver, see the driver's specific instructions.

Running Workers as Processes

To start a new queue worker, run vapor run jobs. You can also specify a specific type of worker to run: vapor run jobs --queue emails.


Workers should stay running in production. Consult your hosting provider to find out how to keep long-running processes alive. Heroku, for example, allows you to specify "worker" dynos like this in your Procfile: worker: Run run jobs

Running Workers in-process

To run a worker in the same process as your application (as opposed to starting a whole separate server to handle it), call the JobsCommand like this in your boot.swift file:

JobsCommand(application: app).run()

To run scheduled jobs in process, pass the scheduled flag:

JobsCommand(application: app, scheduled: true).run()