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Dispatching Jobs

To dispatch a job, you need access to an instance of QueueService. For example:

final class EmailController: RouteCollection {
    let queue: QueueService

    init(queue: QueueService) {
        self.queue = queue

    func boot(router: Router) throws {
        router.get("/sendemail", use: sendEmail)

    func sendEmail(req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
        let job = EmailJobContext(to: "", from: "", message: "message")
        return queue.dispatch(job: job).transform(to: .ok)


QueueService is thread safe so you can pass it directly to a controller.

Setting maxRetryCount

Jobs will automatically retry themselves upon error if you specify a maxRetryCount. For example:

queue.dispatch(job: job, maxRetryCount: 10)

Specify a priority

Jobs can be sorted into different queue types/priorities depending on your needs. For example, you may want to open an email queue and a background-processing queue to sort jobs.

Start by extending QueueType:

extension QueueType {
    static let emails = QueueType(name: "emails")

Then, specify the queue type when you call dispatch:

queue.dispatch(job: job, queue: .emails)

If you do not specify a queue the job will be run on the default queue. Make sure to follow the instructions in Getting Started to start workers for each queue type.

Specifying a delay

Jobs can also be set to only run after a certain Date has passed. To specify a delay, pass a Date into the delayUntil parameter in dispatch:

let oneMinuteDelay = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60)
queue.dispatch(job: job, delayUntil: oneMinuteDelay)

If a job is dequeued before its delay parameter, the job will be re-queued by the driver.