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Vapor Documentation

This is the documentation for Vapor, a Web Framework for Swift that works on macOS and Ubuntu, and all of the packages that Vapor offers.

Vapor is the most used web framework for Swift. It provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website or API.

Getting Started

If this is your first time using Vapor, head to the Install → macOS section to install Swift and Vapor.

Once you have Vapor installed, check out Getting Started → Hello, world to create your first Vapor app!

Like Vapor?

Our small team works hard to make Vapor awesome (and free). Support the framework by starring Vapor on GitHub or donating $1 monthly—it helps us a lot. Thanks!

Other Sources

Here are some other great places to find information about Vapor.

name description link
Vapor Discord Chat with thousands of Vapor developers. visit →
API docs Auto-generated documentation from code comments. visit →
Stack Overflow Ask and answer questions with the vapor tag. visit →
Swift Forums Post in Vapor's section of the forums. visit →
Source Code Learn how Vapor works under the hood. visit →
GitHub Issues Report bugs or request features on GitHub. visit →

Service Providers

Vapor providers are a convenient way to add functionality to your Vapor projects. For a full list of providers, check out the vapor-service tag on GitHub.


Tanner Nelson, Logan Wright, and the hundreds of members of Vapor.