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Install on Ubuntu

Installing Vapor on Ubuntu only takes a couple of minutes.


Vapor supports the same versions of Ubuntu that Swift supports.

Version Codename
18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish
18.04 Bionic Beaver
16.10 Yakkety Yak
16.04 Xenial Xerus
14.04 Trusty Tahr


Visit's Using Downloads guide for instructions on how to install Swift on Linux.

Double check the Swift installation was successful by printing the version.

swift --version

You should see output similar to:

Apple Swift version 4.1.0 (swiftlang-900.0.69.2 clang-900.0.38)
Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9


You can also use Swift's official Docker images which come with the compiler preinstalled. Learn more at Swift's Docker Hub.

Install Toolbox

Now that you have Swift installed, let's install the Vapor Toolbox. This CLI tool is not required to use Vapor, but it includes helpful utilities.

On Linux, you will need to build the toolbox from source. View the toolbox's releases on GitHub to find the latest version.


Vapor 3 compatible versions of the toolbox are semver major 3.

git clone
cd toolbox
git checkout <desired version>
swift build -c release --disable-sandbox
mv .build/release/vapor /usr/local/bin

Double check the installation was successful by printing help.

vapor --help

You should see a list of available commands.


Now that you have installed Vapor, create your first app in Getting Started → Hello, world.

Check out's guide to using downloads if you need more detailed instructions for installing Swift 4.1.