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Command Overview

This guide will introduce you to the Command module by showing you how to create your own CLI. For this example, we will implement cowsay, a command that prints an ASCII picture of a cow with a message.


You can install the real cowsay program using brew install cowsay.

$ cowsay Hello
< Hello >
          \   ^__^
           \  (oo\_______
              (__)\       )\/\
                   ||----w |
                   ||     ||


The first step is to create a type that conforms to Command.

/// Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message.
struct CowsayCommand: Command {

Now let's implement the required methods.


Commands can have zero or more CommandArguments. These arguments will be required for the command to run.

/// Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message.
struct CowsayCommand: Command {
    /// See `Command`
    var arguments: [CommandArgument] {
        return [.argument(name: "message")]


Here we are defining one argument, the message that the cow will say. This is required to run the cowsay command.


Commands can have zero or more CommandOptions. These options are not required for the command to run and can be passed using -- or - syntax.

/// Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message.
struct CowsayCommand: Command {
    /// See `Command`
    var options: [CommandOption] {
        return [
            .value(name: "eyes", short: "e", default: "oo", help: ["Change cow's eyes"]),
            .value(name: "tongue", short: "t", default: " ", help: ["Change cow's tongue"]),

Here we are defining two options, eyes and tongue. These will let the user optionally change how the cow looks.


Next we can define an optional help message to display when the user passes --help.

/// Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message.
struct CowsayCommand: Command {
    /// See `Command`
    var help: [String] {
        return ["Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message."]

Let's take a look at how this will look once our command is complete:

Usage: <executable> cowsay <message> [--eyes,-e] [--tongue,-t] 

Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message.

  message n/a

     eyes Change cow's eyes
   tongue Change cow's tongue


Finally, we need to write our implementation:

/// Generates ASCII picture of a cow with a message.
struct CowsayCommand: Command {

    /// See `Command`.
    func run(using context: CommandContext) throws -> Future<Void> {
        let message = try context.argument("message")
        /// We can use requireOption here since both options have default values
        let eyes = try context.requireOption("eyes")
        let tongue = try context.requireOption("tongue")
        let padding = String(repeating: "-", count: message.count)
        let text: String = """
        < \(message) >
                  \\   ^__^
                   \\  (\(eyes)\\_______
                      (__)\\       )\\/\\
                        \(tongue)  ||----w |
                           ||     ||
        return .done(on: context.container)

The CommandContext gives you access to everything you will need, including a Container. Now that we have a complete Command, the next step is to configure it.


Use the CommandConfig struct to register commands to your container. This is usually done in configure.swift

/// Create a `CommandConfig` with default commands.
var commandConfig = CommandConfig.default()
/// Add the `CowsayCommand`.
commandConfig.use(CowsayCommand(), as: "cowsay")
/// Register this `CommandConfig` to services.

Check that your command was properly configured using --help.

swift run Run cowsay --help

That's it!

$ swift run Run cowsay 'Good job!' -e ^^ -t U
< Good job! >
          \   ^__^
           \  (^^\_______
              (__)\       )\/\
                U  ||----w |
                   ||     ||