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The Job Protocol

Jobs are defined by the Job and JobData protocols.

Modeling a JobData object

import Foundation
import Jobs
import Vapor

struct EmailJobContext: JobData {
    let to: String
    let from: String
    let message: String

Modeling a Job object:

import Foundation
import Jobs 
import Vapor 

struct EmailJob: Job {
    let emailService: EmailService

    func dequeue(_ context: JobContext, _ data: EmailJobContext) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        return emailService.sendEmail(to:, subject: data.subject, content: data.message)

    func error(_ context: JobContext, _ error: Error, _ data: EmailJobContext) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        // If you don't want to handle errors you can simply return a future. You can also omit this function entirely. 
        return context.eventLoop.future()


Don't forget to follow the instructions in Getting Started to add this job to your configuration file.


Each job's Context must have a unique name. Do not nest your context objects without uniquely naming them.

dequeue and error are not throwing methods - in order to return an error from the function you must use worker.future(error: myErrorHere).