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The most common part of the HTTP library we'll be interacting with is the Request type. Here's a look at some of the most commonly used attributes in this type.

public var method: Method
public var uri: URI
public var parameters: Node
public var headers: [HeaderKey: String]
public var body: Body
public var data: Content


The HTTP Method associated with the Request, ie: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.


The associated URI of the request. We will use this to access attributes about the uri the request was sent to.

For example, given the following uri:

let scheme = request.uri.scheme // http
let host = //

let path = request.uri.path // /example
let query = request.uri.query // query=hi
let fragment = request.uri.fragment // fragments-too

Route Parameters

The url parameters associated with the request. For example, if we have a path registered as hello/:name/age/:age, we would be able to access those in our request, like so:

let name = request.parameters["name"] // String?
let age = request.parameters["age"]?.int // Int?

Or, to automatically throw on nil or invalid variable, you can also extract

let name = try request.parameters.extract("name") as String
let age = try request.parameters.extract("age") as Int

These extract functions can cast to any NodeInitializable type, including your own custom types. Make sure to check out Node for more info.

Note: Vapor also provides type safe routing in the routing section of our docs.


These are the headers associated with the request. If you are preparing an outgoing request, this can be used to add your own keys.

let contentType = request.headers["Content-Type"]  

Or for outgoing requests:

let request = Request ...
request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.headers["Authorization"] = ... my auth token

Extending Headers

We generally seek to improve code bases by removing stringly typed code where possible. We can add variables to the headers using generic extensions.

extension HTTP.KeyAccessible where Key == HeaderKey, Value == String {
    var customKey: String? {
      get {
        return self["Custom-Key"]
      set {
        self["Custom-Key"] = newValue

With this pattern implemented, our string "Custom-Key" is contained in one section of our code. We can now access like this:

let customKey = request.headers.customKey

// or

let request = ...
request.headers.customKey = "my custom value"


This is the body associated with the request and represents the general data payload. You can view more about body in the associated docs

For incoming requests, we'll often pull out the associated bytes like so:

let rawBytes = request.body.bytes


Generally when we're sending or receiving requests, we're using them as a way to transport content. For this, Vapor provides a convenient data variable associated with the request that prioritizes content in a consistent way.

For example, say I receive a request to

let world =["hello"]?.string

This same code will work if I receive a JSON request, for example:

  "hello": "world"

Will still be accessible through data.

let world =["hello"]?.string

Note: Force unwrap should never be used.

This also applies to multi-part requests and can even be extended to new types such as XML or YAML through middleware.

If you'd prefer to access given types more explicitly, that's totally fine. The data variable is purely opt-in convenience for those who want it.

Form Data

It is common in many applications to receive forms submitted from a Web browser. Vapor provides support for several common encodings:

// Node? from application/x-www-form-urlencoded
let formData = request.formURLEncoded

// [String:Field]? from multipart/form-data
let multipartFormData = request.formData

// [Part]? from multipart/mixed
let multipartMixedData = request.multipart

These accessors will return nil if the request's Content-Type does not match what they expect.


To access JSON directly on a given request, use the following:

let json = request.json["hello"]

Query Parameters

The same applies to query convenience:

let query = request.query?["hello"]  // String?
let name = request.query?["name"]?.string // String?
let age = request.query?["age"]?.int // Int?
let rating = request.query?["rating"]?.double // Double?

Key Paths

Key paths work on most Vapor types that can have nested key value objects. Here's a couple examples of how to access given the following json:

  "metadata": "some metadata",
  "artists" : {
    "href": "",
    "items": [
        "name": "Van Gogh",
        "name": "Mozart"

We could access the data in the following ways:


Access top level values

let type =["metadata"].string // "some metadata"


Access nested values

let items =["artists", "items"] // [["name": "Van Gogh"], ["name": "Mozart"]]

Mixing Arrays and Objects

Get first artists

let first =["artists", "items", 0] // ["name": "Van Gogh"]

Array Item

Get key from array item

let firstName =["artists", "items", 0, "name"] // "Van Gogh"

Array Comprehension

We can also smartly map an array of keys, for example, to just get the names of all of the artists, we could use the following

let names =["artists", "items", "name"] // ["Van Gogh", "Mozart"]