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Username + Password (Basic) Auth

The Authorization: Basic ... header can be used to send username and password credentials for authentication.

This page will show you how to use this type of authentication in your web app.

!!! note: Sending and storing passwords should be avoided wherever possible. Use tokens or sessions persistance to prevent the need for sending the password in every request.

Password Authenticatable

Start by conforming your user model to the PasswordAuthenticatable protocol.

import AuthProvider

extension User: PasswordAuthenticatable { }


If your user conforms to Model, all of the required methods will be implemented automatically. However, you can implement them if you want to do something custom.

extension User: PasswordAuthenticatable {
    /// Return the user matching the supplied
    /// username and password
    static func authenticate(_: Password) throws -> Self {
        // something custom

    /// The entity's hashed password used for
    /// validating against Password credentials
    /// with a PasswordVerifier
    var hashedPassword: String? {
        // something custom

    /// The key under which the user's username,
    /// email, or other identifing value is stored.
    static var usernameKey: String {
        // something custom

    /// The key under which the user's password
    /// is stored.
    static var passwordKey: String {
        // something custom

    /// Optional password verifier to use when
    /// comparing plaintext passwords from the 
    /// Authorization header to hashed passwords
    /// in the database.
    static var passwordVerifier: PasswordVerifier? {
        // some hasher


Once your model conforms to the PasswordAuthenticatable protocol, you can create the middleware.

import Vapor
import AuthProvider

let drop = try Droplet()

let passwordMiddleware = PasswordAuthenticationMiddleware(User.self)

let authed = try drop.grouped(passwordMiddleware)


All routes added to the authed route group will be protected by the password middleware.


If you only want to globally require the password middleware, checkout the Middleware Config section in the HTTP docs.


Now you can add a route to return the authenticated user.

authed.get("me") { req in
    // return the authenticated user
    return try req.auth.assertAuthenticated(User.self)

Call req.user.authenticated(User.self) to get access to the authenticated user.


Now we can make a request to our Vapor app.

GET /me HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dmFwb3I6Zm9v 


dmFwb3I6Zm9v is "vapor:foo" base64 encoded where "vapor" is the username and "foo" is the password. This is the format of Basic authorization headers.

And we should get a response like.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
