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Install on macOS

To use Vapor on macOS, you just need to have Xcode 8 or later installed.

Install Xcode

Install Xcode 9 from the Mac App Store.

Xcode 9

(Xcode 8 is the minimum required to use Vapor 2.0 on macOS. If you have an Apple Developer membership you can download older versions of Xcode from Apple's developer downloads page)

Open Xcode

After Xcode has been downloaded, you must open it to finish the installation. This may take a while.

Verify Swift Installation

Double check the installation was successful by opening Terminal and running:

eval "$(curl -sL"

Install Vapor

Now that you have Swift 4 (or Swift 3.1 if you installed Xcode 8), let's install the Vapor toolbox.

The toolbox includes all of Vapor's dependencies as well as a handy CLI tool for creating new projects.

Install Homebrew

If you don't already have Homebrew installed, install it! It's incredibly useful for installing software dependencies like OpenSSL, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, SQLite, and more.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

For more information on installing Homebrew, visit

Add Homebrew Tap

Vapor's Homebrew tap will give your Homebrew installation access to all of Vapor's macOS packages.

brew tap vapor/homebrew-tap
brew update


Now that you've added Vapor's tap, you can install Vapor's toolbox and dependencies.

brew install vapor


If you've previously installed Vapor upgrades to Homebrew and Vapor may be required to work with the latest versions of macOS, Swift, or the instructions in this guide.

brew update
brew upgrade vapor


Learn more about the Vapor toolbox CLI in the Toolbox section of the Getting Started section.

Check out's extensive guides if you need more detailed instructions for installing Swift.