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Getting Started

Vapor's Auth Provider package makes implementing authentication and authorization easy and secure. It supports common auth patterns such as:

  • Token (bearer) authentication
  • Username + password (basic) authentication
  • Permission-based authorization
  • Session-based persistance

Auth's modular, protocol-based nature also makes it a great foundation for custom auth needs.


Use vapor new <name> --template=vapor/auth-template to create a new project template with AuthProvider and samples included.


To use Auth, you will need to have the Auth Provider added to your project. This is as simple as adding the following line to your Package.swift file.

.Package(url: "", ...)

Check out the Package section for more information.


Let's take a look at how we can implement a simple, token-based authentication system using Vapor and Auth.


We will start by creating a model to represent our user. If you already have a user class, you can skip this step.

import Vapor
import FluentProvider

final class ExampleUser: Model {
    let name: String


extension ExampleUser: Preparation { ... }

Here we create a very simple user with just one property: a name.


We're omitting most of Model and Preparation protocol requirements. Check out Fluent's Getting Started for more information about these protocols.


Next let's create a model to represent our authentication tokens. These will be stored in a separate database table or collection called "tokens".

When a user logs in, we will create a new token for them. They will then use this token on subsequent requests instead of their username and password.

For now, here's what our simple token model will look like.

import Vapor
import FluentProvider

final class ExampleToken: Model {
    let token: String
    let userId: Identifier

    var user: Parent<ExampleToken, ExampleUser> {
        return parent(id: userId)


extension ExampleToken: Preparation { ... }

This token has two properties:

  • token: a unique, random string that we will send in requests
  • userId: the identifier for the user to whom this token belongs


We're using Fluent relations here. Check out Fluent's Relations section for more information.

Token Authenticatable

Now that we have our example user and token, we can make our user authenticatable with the token.

This might sound complicated, but it's actually pretty easy:

import AuthProvider

extension ExampleUser: TokenAuthenticatable {
    // the token model that should be queried
    // to authenticate this user
    public typealias TokenType = ExampleToken

Now that our example user is TokenAuthenticatable, we can move on to the next step!

User Helper

Let's add a simple convenience method on request for accessing the authenticated user.

extension Request {
    func user() throws -> ExampleUser {
        return try auth.assertAuthenticated()

This is a nice shortcut that will come in handy in a few steps.


To require authentication we need to add the TokenAuthenticationMiddleware. You can apply this middleware to individual routes or to the entire Droplet. For simplicity, we'll apply it to the Droplet.

import Vapor
import AuthProvider
import FluentProvider

let config = try Config()


let drop = try Droplet(config)

let tokenMiddleware = TokenAuthenticationMiddleware(ExampleUser.self)

/// use this route group for protected routes
let authed = drop.grouped(tokenMiddleware)

Since our ExampleUser class is TokenAuthenticatable, we can pass it into the middleware's init method.


If you only want to require authentication for certain routes, look at our Route Group section in the routing docs.


Now that we have a route group protected by our TokenMiddleware, let's add a route to return the authenticated user's name.

authed.get("me") { req in
    // return the authenticated user's name
    return try req.user().name


We're using the .user() convenience we added to Request here. It is a shortcut for let user = try req.auth.assertAuthenticated(ExampleUser.self)


That's it! We now have a functioning authentication system. Let's add a couple of entries to our database and test it out.


id name
1 Bob


id token user_id
1 foo 1


Now we can make a request to our Vapor app.

GET /me HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer foo

And we should get a response like.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain


Bad Token

To make sure it's secure, let's test using a token that's not in our database.

GET /me HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer not-a-token

And we should get a response like.

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

Next Steps

To build this out into a production-ready authentication system, you will need to build some additional routes for creating users and creating tokens.

Continue on in the Auth section to learn more about different types of authentication.